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About B.E.C

Bridging the gap between the academic attainments application and the live business professional operational style

Founded by a passionate Soft Skills Specialist and visionary of The Business Etiquette Clinic, an entity which specialises in Business Professional Soft Skills Training. This was birthed from a deep passion of giving the customer a service quality emotional experience i.e has a passion for customer service and post service experience. Edzai believes that inspired ingenuity of service is an essential and fundamental practice of any business. A sentiment that drives Edzai‟s passion is as follows: “In order to survive and thrive, one must, first and always, learn how to serve others well. And as you learn, put into action that which you have learned.” With the ever changing complexion of the Business environment, Business Professional Soft Skills is the only “ drive differential”
B.E.C 's drive is to skill participants for star performance, proficiency and maximum contribution. Have done business so far with various corporate clients which include: Avenues Clinic, Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference (ZCBC), Foodworld, Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ), AHFOZ , Foodworld, and CIFOZ to name a few.

What we offer

We offer business professional soft skills training and consultancy services We believe in designing business professional soft skills packages that will address the customer‟s unique specific needs. Our products include: The Executive Soft Skills Package (ESSP), The Operational Soft Skills Package (OSSP) and The Individual Professional Soft Skills Package (IPSSP).

 Vision  &  Mission

To be a market leader in business and service consultancy in Africa and beyond.

To provide the business and service organizations in Zimbabwe, business professional soft skills training & development as well as consultancy in business and service.

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Our Training Packages

The Executive Soft Skills Package (ESSP).
The Operational Soft Skills Package (OSSP) 
The Individual Professional Soft Skills Package (IPSSP).

Call Us: + 263 772377594

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